means re-mailing it to her. Where stamped envelopes are provided this can be done individually, but otherwise I must allow things to accumulate for a week or so. All applications and such matter go registered mail and it becomes too much of an expense on the FPE treasury to mail too often. This plus the fact that Fran has to sandwich her efforts in between a job and family requirements may cause some delays too, so just be patient and remember that we are all doing the best we can for you.
II. NEW SUBSCRIBERS: The last three months of 1967 have already laid the basis for a bigger and better 1968. Through the effects of my radio and TV appear- ances in the middle west, the "Part Time Woman" art- icle in the National Insider, through the ad in the mailings of the John Amslow organization, and inter- estingly enough, through the medium of the scurrilous and defamatory story about TVia, Chevalier and FPE that appeared in the Nov. issue of "Confidential" we have gained a great many new readers. This is fine but it also involves a great deal more work which partly accounts for some of the delay in get- ting items to you. It also means an influx of new people in due course into the ranks of FPE. Even- tually areas that do not now have enough members to form a chapter will be able to do so.
III. RADIO AND TV APPEARANCES: As you have read in past issues I have made a number of appearances on the air. I would like to make some more later this spring. Minneapolis, Cleveland, Chicago and maybe Boston have already indicated a willingness to take me on. I would like to find some spots that pay something to help defray the cost, as it gets kind of expensive. Those of you in the larger cities could help me considerably by calling some of the programs originating in your city and talking to the producers. Ask them if they would be interested in a program on TVism. You don't have to give them your right name, but tell them about the organization, about me, and the fact that I've appeared elsewhere